January 2017 News

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Did you know that more than 90% of our consumer goods arrive by ship? While you’re at home watching a movie or hanging out with friends, chances are the couch you are sitting on, the TV you are watching, and even the board game you are playing was brought to your local market via the sea. And who makes sure that foreign ships carrying the goods arrive safely into a port they don’t know? It’s The Laurentian Pilotage Authority (LPA)

These are just a few of the things we’ve learned conducting research for an upcoming promotional video for the LPA, a federal Crown Corporation that administers the safety, marine pilot management and pilot training standards on the St. Laurence and Saguenay rivers.

The goal of the video will be to increase the visibility and awareness of the LPA for the media and the general public. Production entails filming marine pilots north in Les Escoumins and filming key interviews and visuals in Montreal and Quebec City’s ports. We’ll also capture the action of the dispatch teams and simulator training for pilots. We look forward to sharing the completed video later this year!